There’s a name for it.
All the shit we’ve been going through, from trolls online to phishing to scams, to now, the destruction of the US government from within.
It’s called ‘keystroke terrorism’.
The keyboard can be a shield. We can use pseudonyms for our social media and emails. We don’t have to expose ourselves to everybody.
Once behind that shield, it can be a deadly weapon. We can use that pseudonym to safely attack- troll, insult, lie, to mislead and misinform, and especially, to enrage.
Enrage the base through horrific misinformation, enrage the opposition through graphic insults- we all see it every day on Twit-X-ffs.
The entire civilized world is connected through keystrokes and clicks. That’s our new battleground.
Instead of bombing the US, and risking being bombed back into the Stone Age by a superior force, Putin has opted instead to buy the Republican Party and Trump, and to use keystroke terrorism to ‘finance his purchase’ and launch his attacks.
It begins with lying and disingenuous posts by politicians, pundits and bots. They destroy the reliability of information. Then, the trolls, jumping on with caustic barbs for the sake of it, jarring people’s sensibilities and putting them on guard and off-kilter.
This technique spreads rage, propaganda and misinformation all at once- an effective subterfuge that paid off in the US elections twice.
And, now that Musk has been given access to virtually all of our data. He started with the Treasury- the last link in the chain, he has keystroke access to every person who has received money from the government. And every agency receiving funds. He can and has cut payments off directly, as he did with USAID.
He is seeking the same control of the IRS files.
This means he can single-handedly shut down the entire economy in one terrorist keystroke attack.
He can stop Social Security. Medicare. Medicaid. He’s already stopped Meals on Wheels and school lunches. He’s going to stop all educational funds. It’s a foregone conclusion that Hegseth and Gabbard will give him carte blanche access to military and defense info.
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev infamously said in 1956: “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within”.
Thanks to Trump, Republicans, and their gullible embrace of Elon Musk, Putin is doing it.
With keystroke terrorism.
Keystroke terrorism is relatively new. It’s not been as physically destructive as actual war, but it can be. We’ve seen electrical grids and power systems violated though hacking, and that’s on the less volatile side. There are things that could be hacked that will cause real danger and harm.
Naively firing 300 nuclear weapons monitors with keystrokes because they didn’t investigate who they were firing was just the first of what is becoming quite typical results. Eliminating entire staffs through keystrokes alone is just as daft and dangerous as it sounds.
Expert spy hackers learn about their prey. They know who and what they’re dealing with, and how to attack without revealing themselves, or blocking themselves from further access.
Elon Musk and his DOGE kids are not espionage experts.
They may be good at getting into systems and rampaging around, but they have no idea what they’re tromping through. They are not spies, gathering specific intelligence or launching attacks.
They are keystroke terrorists- agents of chaos, hired to slash and burn everything. That’s why ‘wokism’ is the principle parameter in their work. ‘Waste’ doesn’t mean actual fraud or lost dollars- it means actions that Trump (Putin) doesn’t like.
And, that’s all there is to this. Putin has effectively taken control of the US government through Trump, Musk, and Republicans. From now on, everything that they do will benefit Putin by either giving him something outright, by dividing the American populace, or by diminishing the US standing in the world and affording Russia more power, control and opportunity. (And by enriching the oligarchy, who will give Putin a pass.)
One only need look at the US turning its back on Ukraine at the UN and shaking them down in tandem with Putin to take half their land and all of their resources and split it between them.
We have already been taken over.
Now, it’s resistance.
This time around, we’re Europe. We’re the ones being occupied by a fascist state, and they’re doing it electronically instead of violently- for now.
Violence will come, though. People are being physically affected- immigrants being deported to random countries, people dying from diseases with our aid being cut off, people starving, people will lose their homes when their income is interrupted by Musk- all of this will have very physical repercussions, which, traditionally, is what fascists are looking for as an excuse to begin violently controlling the population.
Trump already wanted to shoot protesters in the legs during the BLM protests. This time around, he’ll order them killed and Hegseth will do it.
They say that history may not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.
As they say, we did ’Nazi’ this coming.
Um, yea. We did.
But keystroke terrorists told us that the good man was weak and the black lady was dumb so just enough of us were gullible enough to let the orange cheetolini back in.
An, now, we see him rhyming with the 3rd Reich more every day.
The war has already begun- and it’s being fought with keystrokes this time.
Let’s be careful out there.
c.2025 Cousin B